Date 29 October 2024
Category Hybrid work

Why Orange’s experience with hybrid work can inspire other companies

Amaury (Sales Manager of AREMIS FR):

Pierre, is the experience we had with Orange relevant for other companies in France or elsewhere in Europe?

Pierre (General Manager of AREMIS FR):

It's even more than just relevance.
The project we carried out with Orange touches on issues that all companies with a large real estate portfolio encounter.

Orange, with its 85,000 sites, 83,000 buildings, and 6 million m² of gross surface area, is an extreme case in terms of the size of its assets, but it reflects many use cases relevant to many companies.

Can you give us a concrete example?

Let's take the problem of monitoring spaces and building occupancy.
Orange manages 200,000 workstations, which represents a colossal challenge. most companies, as soon as they exceed fifty buildings, have difficulty documenting and managing the optimization of the use of their spaces and occupations.

At Orange, a hybrid system has been set up to monitor the occupation of the tertiary park, combining mechanisms for allocating square meters to entities, internal re-invoicing rules, flex-office management and monitoring of the "real" via a hypervisor crossing heterogeneous data sources.

It is a modular approach that any company can adopt, depending on the size, nature and method of ownership of its real estate


But isn't it too complex for smaller companies?


Not necessarily.
What makes our solution strong is that it is adaptable.

Of course, Orange, with its 600,000 m² of gross leasable area and 1,000 projects per year, is a large-scale case. But the principles we have put in place, such as space management, cost optimization, or even improving employee services, are levers that can be applied to structures of various sizes.


How Orange optimized the management of its real estate assets with AREMIS

In 2015, faced with the need to modernize and harmonize the digitalized management of this heritage, Orange launched a consultation which was won by AREMIS based on the ARCHIBUS platform.



How did Yannis Bacconet, the point of contact at Orange, influence the project?



Yannis played a central role.
He has been part of Orange's "digital landscape" for years..

He understood from the start that the transformation of real estate management could not be done without reliable data, and that it was therefore necessary to look beyond digitalization alone.

His approach, based on a clear understanding of processes and repositories, allowed us to effectively structure our proposals. 



And outside France, can this project inspire companies elsewhere in Europe?



In fact, at Orange the entire international scope is covered, and many of these solutions have had to be adapted to different markets.

But the fundamentals of real estate management – whether it be flexibility, project monitoring or maintenance – have universal components and this is what we are capitalizing on in order to offer a harmonized approach to the portfolio.

These good practices are used by companies that manage multiple buildings, even in an international context, can all benefit from it.


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